Having trouble paying online? Please review the following list of possible solutions.
1. Double check that you are at the correct payment portal for your healthcare provider.
2. Carefully read and follow the instructions provided on the payment page of the provider.
3. Verify that your hospital account number is entered correctly.
4. If you are paying an account for Memorial Healthcare, DO NOT use the leading zeros of the account number.
Payments for Memorial Healthcare account numbers starting with the number four (ex:004500123456) may not be reflected on your account at the hospital and/or reported to Sage Law Offices.
If problems persist, please contact us (954)835-0302 or send email to: info@sagelaw.com.
Please be advised that ALL PAYMENTS made through this site are paid directly to the provider, NOT Sage Law Offices. As such, you are being re-routed to the provider’s web-portal to process your payment